DCT and Sergio Mendes

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Post by nogizaka » Sat Jun 14, 2008 8:04 pm

The U.S. edition of 'Encanto' has appeared as advertised, and does not include DCT- the sample of 'Lugar Comum' I found originally is the U.S. version, with vocals by Lorenzo Jovanetti. I guess it's more important to give him exposure in the U.S. than DCT. This edition also does not include the bonus tracks- I don't think I'll buy it.

DCT gets the short end of the stick in the U.S. again... it's starting to look like a conspiracy.

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Post by Jei » Sun Jun 15, 2008 1:43 am

Hey folks,

I'm in Holland right now and I can verify that the Sergio album doesn't have Miwa's version of the song either :(

On the flip side, I think when DCT tries the west again, they should start in Europe. I think they'd have a better chance of success...
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Post by sdankoehler » Fri Jun 20, 2008 3:56 am

What they lacked last time they were out west was exposure. Virgin did a terrible job promoting them. The only way I knew they were coming last time was the internet. I'm not saying they should do a cartoon like Puffy, but a few TV appearances of some sort couldn't hurt. I think a company like Universal should have enough influence to be able to book them somewhere. If they're in New York, they could probably do Conan O'Brien, or some other talk show. If any TV show shouldn't care that no one's heard of them it's that one. Who's heard of half the bands Conan has on? Even so, millions of people watch Late Night.

In any western country (US, Canada, anywhere in Europe) they would likely have to start small...small club gigs, and appearances at events where a lot of people are attending, i.e. music festivals or other events with a stage. Those types of events would give them exposure to people who would otherwise never hear their music.

I realize such things must be FAR beneath DCT at this stage of their career, considering they can sell out a soccer stadium 2 nights straight in Japan, but here in the west very few people have ever heard of them.

I sure hope they can achieve worldwide success someday, but regardless of whether they do or not, I will always be a HUGE fan of dorikamu!

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Post by nogizaka » Fri Jun 20, 2008 11:25 am

At the time, Virgin did DCT a huge disservice by making the number of shows on the tour so small- small clubs, fine, but for exposure, DCT really needed the opportunity to TOUR the U.S.. Music festivals and TV appearances, as Dan mentions, would have been great also, and Virgin had the muscle to arrange them. Unfortunately, I think Virgin's agenda was to pay DCT lip service by letting them tour, then saying "I told you so" when they didn't make a big splash, and so being able to say "no" to any further attempts in the U.S.. What a lousy deal! Now DCT will have a very hard time breaking in America. Europe? 'International success' still equals zero as far as the U.S. is concerned for many artists.

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