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Post by nakoruru » Sat Jul 15, 2006 4:55 pm

Hold on a second. This is at the very least intruging, not to mention disturbing. I asked Kokoro... a japanese person who translated some DCT songs to me to tell me what the heck it was all about. Here it is:

***Please notice this is actually a mistaken translation and move down to read the actual facts***
Kokoro wrote: Masa did some kind of theft and got caught
On his blog, he said he's extremely sorry and that
he's thankful the police are so attentive.
He is undergoing the process of getting the right kind of
punishment etc.

Also, on the oricon news today, it said that someone went into the DCT studio and broke his shutter(camera).
The police aren't sure who exactly did it, but are pretty sure it was an act of "harrassment". (a punishment act for Masa because he did something bad... a "hate" act)
He hopes that everything will be back to normal soon and I do too!
:shock: :x :? :cry: ... speechless here...
Last edited by nakoruru on Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Kohaku » Sat Jul 15, 2006 5:05 pm


I'm speechless too...

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Post by tachikaze » Sat Jul 15, 2006 10:09 pm

well, I guess we'll have 2/3rds of DCT in prison and Miwa will have to go solo :)

Actually, there's a 0.0% chance of that about Masa being right.

Whoever's translating for you doesn't know WTF they're talking about; "shutter" is clearly referring to the building.

Here's the story, translated:

It was learned on the 14th that popular unit DCT's Masato Nakamura's (47) office/studio's located in Setagaya-ku Tokyo shutter was damaged.

The Tamagawa station of the Police Agency is investigating concerns of entry & equipment damage.

Broken was the subterranean first-floor electric shutter. July 7th around 2PM, it was discovered by office staff that the shutter had been damaged by a bar-like object; the same office filed a damage report. There was no evidence of entry or stolen items. The building had 3 surveillance cameras, and a security company sticker had been applied. Dorkamu is presently in the middle of all-country tour, the 13th after the incident played in Kanagawa-ken Yokosuka Art Theater as scheduled. There will be no changes in the schedule.

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Post by nakoruru » Sat Jul 15, 2006 10:43 pm

I will ask her the link but that is the news about what happened afterwards aparently. I tried checking Oricon which is where she read it but I don't understand that site! Tried searching the site without sucess.

I wouldn't doubt her word, she is a DCT fan and well... there is the language thing on our way. But I'll try to get the link somehow. I'm just trying to figure out what's going on.

I hope you didn't think I thought you were wrong, Tachikaze. I sent a message to Kokoro before posting here on the forum. I just wish I wasn't so darn bad at reading japanese... *sigh*

Edit: Wrecked my brain at Oricon's site and came up with these links:




I'm in no position to give an acurate translation. But from the bits I picked up from these links, I haven't seen anything other than the things Tachikaze translated.

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Post by nogizaka » Sun Jul 16, 2006 1:38 pm

tachikaze is correct. Masa is apologizing for reporting the incident because the media gave an approximate location for the break-in, despite his asking them not to publicize this information. He is afraid that other criminals will be attracted to that area, thinking security is lax. He congratulates the police for their attention to detail, but apologizes to the people/businesses in that area for the media leak. This is the "partial information incident".

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Post by nakoruru » Sun Jul 16, 2006 11:56 pm

And I apologize for the misunderstanding. As I said before, written japanese is my kryptonite. There is nothing like it to get on my nerves... I suck at reading japanese. And Kokoro is still learning english so I should have assumed she could have been wrong.

Thanks to Tachikaze and Nogizaka for clearing it out. I'm really sorry about it!

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Post by nakoruru » Thu Jul 27, 2006 1:41 am

Masa was just saying on June 25th's entry had he had to take pictures of Takamatsu's lighthouse for the fans all over the world who read the blog! :D

Good work guys! Gaijin fans united at the official message board! :wink:

I kinda feel sorry for Masa because he lost his voice at the audition party (I'm still not sure what these are but aparently these are events they do in the cities to promote the album) in Takamatsu. He had a radio interview to do then he just couldn't even whisper things anymore. :x It sucks to strain your voice. If I'm not mistaken, he has another interview coming up this week.

I'm too busy to keep up to date with the blog but at least I'm seeying some progress in my japanese studies for the first time in a long time! I'm very happy about it! :D

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Post by tachikaze » Sat Jul 29, 2006 12:21 pm

I'm seeing some progress

If Portuguese is your native language, I'd be interested in a comparison of learning English vs. Japanese. It's my biased opinion that Japanese is much easier to learn than English, given the general simplicity of the language.

Learning all the kanji is hard but if you memorize 20 a day (takes about half an hour) you'll have them licked in a 4-5 months.

When I was in school I absolutely hated the kanji, since we were learning them haphazardly. But once (living in Japan) I saw the full scope -- how many there are (~3000), how many unique parts (~300), and that about half the kanji are just rearrangements of those 300 unique parts, learning the kanji became something of a game.

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Post by nakoruru » Sat Jul 29, 2006 7:05 pm

tachikaze wrote: If Portuguese is your native language, I'd be interested in a comparison of learning English vs. Japanese. It's my biased opinion that Japanese is much easier to learn than English, given the general simplicity of the language.
Yes, it's my native language. It took me 3 years to reach a level in English I could barely understand phrases and barely communicate. Took me 5 years to become fully fluent. Actually the hard part in English for me was to understand it spoken. Gosh, I could pick a few words and the rest was rubbish.

Now Japanese I was able to start fully understanding anime without subs with about 2 years. Though, to actually understand colloquial speaking like Music Station's interviews, took me a little longer. I made a huge mistake which was not reading japanese. I rarely read any the past few years. But now I'm reading the blog, its backtracks, the official BBS... and some other things so I'm picking up faster.

It was much easier to get started with Japanese but I got stuck in a certain point I'm definitely not yet fluent. I have to practice speaking (e.g. writing) it and reading. I hope to fix that soon.
tachikaze wrote: Learning all the kanji is hard but if you memorize 20 a day (takes about half an hour) you'll have them licked in a 4-5 months.

Popjisho has been helping me a great deal. I don't think I took the time to thank you properly so THANK YOU! :D I will try that out, Popjisho has some features to help you learn kanji.

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Post by nogizaka » Sat Jul 29, 2006 8:42 pm

nakoruru, can you tell what Miwa is saying at the end of the 'Diamond 15' version of 'Ola! Vitoria!'? Is it Portugese? Is it Japanese? Both?

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Post by nakoruru » Sun Jul 30, 2006 1:49 am

nogizaka wrote:nakoruru, can you tell what Miwa is saying at the end of the 'Diamond 15' version of 'Ola! Vitoria!'? Is it Portugese? Is it Japanese? Both?
Finally! I meant to tell you guys that for a long time but I always keep forgetting. Of course I can! Lemme check here the video, on Diamond 15 concert she says:

"Meu sonho" (my dream), "meu desejo" (my desire), meu amor (my love), minha alma (my soul), minha paixao (my passion)... "serei o vencedor da minha vida" (I'll be the winner of my life). And then she says "vamos dançar" (let's dance) as Innocent starts.

Wow, her pronunciation is so great! :D I feel very flattered every time I hear Miwa speaking portuguese. They know Brazil exists, that's good. They just have to come make some concerts here. ;)

And then on the MTV Super Dry Live she said:

Pretty much the same, only that the MC guy translates it to English. I can't hear clearly what she says after "my love" but the MC guy says "my destiny" so it could be "meu destino". I can't be sure.

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Post by nakoruru » Mon Jul 31, 2006 12:08 am

Geez, I'm getting lazy about making my translation thingies again. But here it goes:

July 27th

It was already the second day Masa just couldn't speak... so he was saying that whenever he talks about the God of Music, it

is not in a religious way. Since he have had several strange personal experiences in the past, specially in his grade school days (shougakusei). Personally I don't understand how the US school system works, let alone the Japanese system.

Something like he had to do an important assignment for school, worked real hard on it and placed it beneath his tatami (mat). And just like that, right before his very eyes it disappeared. In his way of seeying it, as child it seemed like a very cruel thing to have happened. He mentions also a few other things.

All this explained to end the entry saying he was sorry he couldn't make it to a very important meeting because of not being able to speak.

(I remember only a time or two I ever lost my voice, when I got real bad colds. It is horrible but I never spent more than a day or so. It was bad enough, I can't imagine spending DAYS like that!)

July 28th

First concert in Nagano in 12 years.
3 days now he can't speak.

(I didn't really understand the rest so let's pretend it wasn't interesting) ;) :P

July 29th

Masa had a radio interview and fans gathered around in the radio's studio to greet him. He seemed very happy about this. There is a picture of him, the interviewer and the fans. :)

Now I read the most interesting thing on the blog from the interviewer (there is a link on DCT's blog) that Masa said "Miwa's lyrics about painful relationships showed her trueself as she sang things like 'wasurenaide' (don't forget), 'sayonara darling' (good bye darling) but nowdays she sings 'yasashii kisu o shite' (kiss me gently) enthusiastically.

(My own comment: When making music, there's no choice. Your trueself emerges, that's the thing that scares and amuses me the most when I'm playing or singing. I have recorded myself playing and singing DCT songs, it turns out totally 'different'. I still feel the same longing/loneliness in his compositions... maybe more these days than in the older songs)

July 30th

There is a very amusing picture of the mini bar refrigerator. Gosh, it looks like you can barely fit a can inside of it. :lol:

Still saying his voice still wasn't okay. By the time Miwa arrived shortly before their rehersal, she mentioned her own throat didn't seem okay. I don't think she appreacited his "This way, in the next concert the MC himself will do the singing" comment. :) He mentions that his throat was showing the first signs of recovery.

... I will get back to this entry later. My brain power was slowed down by the damn cold. (It is winter time down here, unfortunately)

July 31st

They decided to make a campaign to show the world the Japanese summer culture. There's a lovely picture of Miwa wearing a kimono. I'm a sucker for kimono, I think they look sooooooo good! :)

If I didn't get it completly wrong Masa said he reckons have being a french man in the past life. :lol: And it seems like the weather in Niigata was really pleasant. The second concert in Niigata was specially good, according to him the crowd was really good. :)

I find real cool the crowd shots he has been posting on the blog. The venues are always packed full of people!

-- That's all for tonight. I'm really slow so I hope to get back to these and see if I can come up with better translations.

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Post by nakoruru » Sat Aug 19, 2006 1:33 am

For personal reasons, I won't be able to keep on translating everything for a while but I hope to be able to get back at that.

I just wanted to tell you guys that Masa and the rest of the studio staff have been working around the clock trying to finish the sound source for Wowow and he thinks they won't be able to finish it in time.

Studio work is massive. I really feel sorry for him because he is busting his head off working and he has been blue these past few days. I'm blue myself so I'm getting even more down by reading his blog! :lol: :P No, really!

But I was reading the BBS and I'm glad I'm not the only one worried about that picture Masa has taken of his eye. Geez! That's really disturbing. :shock: I deeply hope it is nothing too bad, just lack of sleep or something.

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Post by Celes » Wed Aug 23, 2006 8:26 am

Sorry for taking so long to reply!
Your translations are amazing!
It was already the second day Masa just couldn't speak...
Arghhh not being to speak must be terrible. It only happend to me twice, but I'm often hoarse and it's really bad.
(I didn't really understand the rest so let's pretend it wasn't interesting)
Maybe I shouldn't quote this :lol:
Miwa's lyrics about painful relationships showed her trueself as she sang things like 'wasurenaide' (don't forget), 'sayonara darling' (good bye darling) but nowdays she sings 'yasashii kisu o shite' (kiss me gently)
Ohh she is in love. Love is beautiful. I'm feeling like listening to that song right now...
I'm a sucker for kimono, I think they look sooooooo good!
I love summer ones, with colors like pink or blue and with flowers!
If I didn't get it completly wrong Masa said he reckons have being a french man in the past life.
Well I just quoted this but I'm speechless... :?
And Nakoruru, you can't let yourself down. You have to feel genki in order to cheer up your Masa.

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Post by sdankoehler » Wed Aug 23, 2006 10:58 pm

Wait a minute? Is Masa in trouble or is that part of the misunderstanding in translation? I'm confused.

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