DCTJoy - DWL 2007 Tokyo Meet Up & Aftermath

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DCTJoy - DWL 2007 Tokyo Meet Up & Aftermath

Post by Jei » Sun Sep 16, 2007 6:00 pm

Hey folks,

Since a number of us will be in for the Tokyo, I was thinking about us getting together for an early dinner/late lunch on Saturday (or even dinner on Friday if people would prefer that)....and then head on up to the concert together.

Please send me an email at jei@dctjoy.com or a private message here if you're interested. (I'll be checking my mail while in Japan)
Last edited by Jei on Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Spaceman » Mon Sep 17, 2007 8:58 am

It would be great to meet up Jei. But I don't arrive in Japan until the Sat morning, as my concert ticket is for the Sunday.
Depending on how soon after the conert everyone is leaving the Tokyo area, the Monday would be a better day for me, but see what the others say.

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Post by sdankoehler » Fri Sep 21, 2007 9:19 pm

Well, I guess I'm the first to report from Tokyo. Just a few hours left to go.

Excitement and nervousness are all combining to make me feel quite awkward at the moment. I walked for over an hour last night trying to find this hotel. For anyone who takes the ginza line, if you exit at exit 4, TURN RIGHT. The map Hotel Asia Center of Japan gives doesn't tell you which way is which...but trust me, anyone who is coming and hasn't arrived yet, TURN RIGHT!

A concert report will follow. So far it has not rained. It is very hot and humid.  It will be like listening to DCT in a sauna.

More to come.

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Post by tachikaze » Sat Sep 22, 2007 2:14 am

or Manteca!

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Post by Spaceman » Sat Sep 22, 2007 7:35 am

Well it sounded like you were enjoying yourselves from outside :wink:

I did intend to arrive in time to visit the souvenir stands today, but the hotel check in wasn't until 2pm and by the time we'd showered and changed after the long trip, it was 6pm by the time we arrived outside the stadium, and it was all closed up. But at least we know which trains to get now and where to change.
Personally I'm not too keen on the heat, and I'm hoping that it cools down a bit for tomorrow, despite what the weather report says :(

On another note I assume it is allowed to take your own drinks in?

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Post by Jei » Sat Sep 22, 2007 9:24 am

Just got back...met up with sdan and Kudou...am happily tired ^^
I'll refrain from any sort of report right now, especially since I want Spaceman to be surprised...

But, I will say three things...

1) Spaceman, expect to see something that I guarantee they didn't do at any of the other 2007 DWLs ;)

As for bringing in drinks, they weren't searching anyone, but I didn't see anyone with anything other than liquid you could buy there. Be prepared in case they ask you to chuck it. Also, don't think about trying to sneak a picture...there's people watching everywhere...

Also, get there early if you want easy access to the goods...they're at the Yoyogi gate (you get your tickets at the Sendagaya gate). I recommend the towel muffler...every handy in this humid heat...

2) nakoruru, I got what you were asking for... ;)
(For your dreams: Masa was wearing dragon pants...)

3) The DVD of this will beat 1999 Winter...guaranteed... :)
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Post by nakoruru » Sun Sep 23, 2007 5:01 pm

Edit: I was reading the official message board and I figured that it rained on the sunday concert. At least on the saturday one didn't rain, right? By the way, where were your seats guys?

A few users mentioned the album that is coming out in December. I thought an album was near since they had been so busy on the studio recently but... once again, how about the DWL07 DVD??? HUH?!? :?
Jei wrote:2) nakoruru, I got what you were asking for... ;)
(For your dreams: Masa was wearing dragon pants...)
I'm going to be dreaming about it tonight. ^^;;; Thank you SO much, Jei! I hope it wasn't too much trouble for you though.
Jei wrote:3) The DVD of this will beat 1999 Winter...guaranteed... :)
For the record I have been saying this since I watched The Love Rocks concert. I had absolutely no doubt! BUT BUT where there any cameras? Will it really come out in DVD?

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Post by Jei » Sun Sep 23, 2007 5:45 pm

nakoruru wrote:Edit: I was reading the official message board and I figured that it rained on the sunday concert. At least on the saturday one didn't rain, right? By the way, where were your seats guys?
It only sprinkled a few times...not enough so that it was visibly noticeable. But the clouds were looking ominous for the most of the show, so plenty of people (myself included) did have on raincoats/ponchos. Most of those had white or clear raincoats. I must have stood out like a sore thumb...big gaijin wearing the dark green poncho. ^^;;;

On Saturday, my seat was just right of center on the arena floor, very close to the center stage that they walk out onto. On Sunday, my seat was dead center in the stands, only four rows up. Couldn't ask for much more. :) (Dude sitting next to me even bought me a beer ^^)
nakoruru wrote: A few users mentioned the album that is coming out in December. I thought an album was near since they had been so busy on the studio recently but... once again, how about the DWL07 DVD??? HUH?!? :?
Yeah, Masa did mention something about an album. ^^
And nakoruru, of course there'll be a DVD...when has there ever not been a DWL DVD? :D (There were cameras EVERYWHERE)

nakoruru wrote: I'm going to be dreaming about it tonight. ^^;;; Thank you SO much, Jei! I hope it wasn't too much trouble for you though.
Ii no yo...you'll love it. It's big, solid...with great pictures and even a DVD. ^^

More to come!
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Post by Jei » Sun Sep 23, 2007 6:03 pm

One quick thing...In the middle of the "Love Love Love/Nando Demo" medley, while the backup singers (and MC Marc) were teaching the crowd how to sing the appropriate parts of the medley, Masa & Miwa made their way secretly up to the top of the stadium where the olympic torch was....

They actually lit the torch! ^_^
(I wonder if that's ever been done since the olympics itself...)

And then they came back down directly through the middle of the crowd in the stands. Those near aisle got a chance to touch their idols ^^

The concerts were big news...there's pictures of it in today's papers. (Great shots of M&M lighting the torch)

Still more to come....^^
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Post by Spaceman » Sun Sep 23, 2007 8:06 pm

wow, wow and one more big WOW. That was amazing.
I'll let Jei write his review first, as I am useless at writing these about these things, and couldn't possible do it justice.
Just a few things to say now.
We were seated 7 rows up to left of the orange section of seating.
I'm glad the weather was a lot cooler, with a nice breeze, and that it didn't rain, well not much anyway.
And for my first ever concert anywhere, I think I picked a great one.

I could do with a quick answer to two questions Jei, if you wouldn't mind.
In the free pack thing they were giving away, there seems to be a money off voucher for Universal Studios. Not being able to read a word, would you mind doing a quick run down of what it says, as we were planning on going anyway, but it has a date on it of the 30th sept (I got that bit). I'm hoping it says use before 30th sept and not on, as we can't go on the 30th as that's the date of the F1 GP, and we have tickets for that.
Secondly, can you book reserved seats on the bullet train several days in advance, or only on the day you are travelling?


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Post by Jei » Sun Sep 23, 2007 8:46 pm

BTW, for all that went...please don't wait for me to post a review before you decide to. I won't be able to do anything substantial until much later this week (when I'm back in the states...) ^^
Spaceman wrote: I could do with a quick answer to two questions Jei, if you wouldn't mind.
In the free pack thing they were giving away, there seems to be a money off voucher for Universal Studios. Not being able to read a word, would you mind doing a quick run down of what it says, as we were planning on going anyway, but it has a date on it of the 30th sept (I got that bit). I'm hoping it says use before 30th sept and not on, as we can't go on the 30th as that's the date of the F1 GP, and we have tickets for that.
You got it. It's a coupon...1000yen off for adults and 400yen off for kids. It's good until September 30th (I'm assuming they've been giving these out since DWL started in early August).

Spaceman wrote: Secondly, can you book reserved seats on the bullet train several days in advance, or only on the day you are travelling?
You can definitely reserve seats on the bullet train beforehand. I haven't done it personally, but I've had someone do it for me. No problemo.
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Post by nakoruru » Sun Sep 23, 2007 9:30 pm

OMG! OMG! I just took the time to read the articles and figured out that the concert will air on Wowow in December. I will certainly check with my sources on JPS to get this recorded for us. YAY! ^^

It is official now on DCTGarden, the new album comes out in December 5th. We gonna have one HAPPY DCT holiday season, huh?

I did some diggin' and finally found the picture Jei mentioned in this article:

http://www.daily.co.jp/gossip/2007/09/2 ... 9747.shtml

http://www.nikkansports.com/entertainme ... 60525.html

(Edit) some more articles:

http://www.sanspo.com/geino/top/gt20070 ... 92400.html

http://www.chunichi.co.jp/chuspo/articl ... 51115.html

http://www.nikkansports.com/entertainme ... 60406.html

http://www.sponichi.co.jp/entertainment ... 24/06.html

I just liked this picture too much. Is that an anime cosplay Miwa is wearing or am I seeing things? ^^


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Post by Jei » Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:00 am

nakoruru wrote:I just liked this picture too much. Is that an anime cosplay Miwa is wearing or am I seeing things? ^^

*grin* That outfit reminded me of the Beatles on the cover of the Sgt. Pepper Album ^^

Nice...Masa put up a crowd shot on his blog:

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Post by nakoruru » Tue Sep 25, 2007 1:06 am

According to the blog 60000 fans attended each concert in Tokyo. In a grand total of 440000 fans attended all concerts this year. ^^

Out of curiosity, how much are you guys spending per day in food and hotel?

Sorry if it came out a bit rude but I just got turned down again to get to college, I had made my mind it would be the last time I would try. Plus I just heard from fairly reliable sources Kraftwerk won't tour for years (not the first time they do that, unfortunately) so I have nothing holding me back anymore besides $ of course. I might as well try to go to their next tour since everything else has failed miserably like that...

While I'm off topic, Spaceman: I happen to be an avid F1 fan myself. ^^ I was never able to attend the Brazil F1 GP, though it is here in my hometown. I really would like to go this year before Barrichello retires but getting tickets without knowing someone is virtually impossible. :roll:

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Post by Spaceman » Tue Sep 25, 2007 9:04 am

Thanks for that Jei, We've decided to go tomorrow and have booked the seats for both ways tonight.
As for the review, I'll really not very good at that sort of thing so will leave it to you :lol:
nakoruru wrote:Out of curiosity, how much are you guys spending per day in food and hotel?
Not that rude at all Nakoruru, it can be useful to budget for the trip.
The room was was £75.00 for a twin room(I wanted a nice room for my first trip abroad in about 18 years), which I didn't think was too bad when split two ways. Thats just for the room though, no meals included. Food is costing about 4-5000 yen a day approx.
nakoruru wrote:While I'm off topic, Spaceman: I happen to be an avid F1 fan myself. ^^ I was never able to attend the Brazil F1 GP, though it is here in my hometown. I really would like to go this year before Barrichello retires but getting tickets without knowing someone is virtually impossible.
I just got the tickets of www.f1.com though they seem to only have grandstand seats left for Brazil. I have been once before to the European GP when it was held at Donnington Park. which if i remember rightly was Ruben's first race.

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