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Post by nakoruru » Thu Aug 24, 2006 2:25 am

sdankoehler wrote:Wait a minute? Is Masa in trouble or is that part of the misunderstanding in translation? I'm confused.
Just part of the misunderstanding in translation. Someone tried to break into their studio. I haven't heard a word of it ever since so hopefully this case will be put to rest.

Hmm, maybe I should just remove that all together... hmm...

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Post by nakoruru » Sun Aug 27, 2006 11:10 pm

Finally... finally the studio crew was able to finish mixing the sound source of the concert to air on Wowow. They mixed the thing in 5.1 as well - could it possibly mean it is coming out in DVD?!??!? - and just like Masa himself I am relieved. It was driving me crazy so I can imagine what he was going thru. It took them 4 months of work! Ain't that crazy?

As I said before, my best friend is a sound engineer so I got the oportunity to see him in action. Studio work is massive, it is really insane. But in the other hand, for me Diamond 15 DVD turned out to be nicer than the CD itself. I ripped the sound off the DVD to listen to it. :D That's been happening a lot these days with live DVDs for me.

Still, we have to sit here and (in)patiently wait some more weeks to get to see this concert. :?

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Post by nakoruru » Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:56 pm

It's been too long I didn't translate the blog no more. :?

Anyhow, I suppose you guys will find it interesting to know that Masa is in New York as we speak to mix the new single. Just a few days ago they were still recording the vocal, wrapped up real fast and are already mixing. Oh my. Japanese efficiency spooks me most of the time. :shock:

I'm not sure if we have fans here on the forum who happen to live in the east coast but watch out! You might be walking down the street and bumping into Masa. :wink: I'm so close but far away... in the same continent only way down south. :x :P

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Post by Celes » Sun Oct 15, 2006 4:15 am

nakoruru wrote:It's been too long I didn't translate the blog no more. :?

Anyhow, I suppose you guys will find it interesting to know that Masa is in New York as we speak to mix the new single. Just a few days ago they were still recording the vocal, wrapped up real fast and are already mixing. Oh my. Japanese efficiency spooks me most of the time. :shock:

I'm not sure if we have fans here on the forum who happen to live in the east coast but watch out! You might be walking down the street and bumping into Masa. :wink: I'm so close but far away... in the same continent only way down south. :x :P
:D It's better this way. If you bumped into Masa you would probably die from the emotion overload !

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Post by nakoruru » Thu Oct 19, 2006 9:01 pm

^ You know Celes, you are not the first person who told me this. I wonder why! :wink:

Now this is going to be something! Miwa put into her head they should do an "indie" PV for Moshimo Yuki Nara. She eventually got Masa to agree with the idea so they are going to shot it in Manhattan! Just by the two of them. So they are hunting locations. For once I'm glad they are doing something like this, most of the time I think directors do PVs that have nothing to do with the songs! :D

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Post by Kohaku » Thu Oct 19, 2006 9:27 pm

So, they're doing a PV for Moshimo Yuki Nara just by themselves? How interesting! I can't wait to see how it turns out.

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Post by nakoruru » Wed Nov 01, 2006 9:39 pm

PV was finished a couple of days ago. :) They are editing the thing now. I can hardly wait to see what it turned out to be! Something like "Song of Joy" maybe???

This is just too cool! First of all, Masa has been posting a few things in English on the blog. Unbelievable how my katakana skills got rusty! :x So I will try to make a direct translation which will probably take less time than explaining the thing:
Leaving the restaurant, comes an american woman saying:

"You guys from Japan?"

"I can recognize you!"

"I can only only sing your song on the karaoke!"

Me, being a bit malicious, made her a request:

"So, show me anything you can"

It was then I was mesmerized by her nice japanese pronunciation

"Nee dou shite sugoku sugoku suki na koto..."

From what I could pick up, she teached English in Japan for 5 years. From those times she still remembered Dorikamu's "Love Love Love".
Of course, she knew the name of our band, obviously she knew my name but also Miwa's, her singing was perfect. By heart!"

"That's great".

Something I have always wished for.
I'm really happy for him. SUGOI YO! I was actually wondering if they didn't get recognized on the streets of New York. If they ever come to Brazil, at least I know all of their songs by heart. That is... :lol: even harder than this actually happening would be me being able to sing for them. :lol: But it was so cool it happened!

And excuse me while I do my happy dance because FINALLY I see some improvement on my japanese skills... *happy dance* Oh happy day! :D
All thanks to the mighty blog! And I mean it!

PS: I'm using the same color theme he is using on the blog so I don't get lost while translating...

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Post by sdankoehler » Thu Nov 02, 2006 4:36 pm

Hey, what is the web address for this stuff? I checked the address on the first blog entry and it's latest date is June 30.

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Post by Spaceman » Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:18 am

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Post by nakoruru » Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:43 pm

Well, I think I should tell you guys that Masa mentioned being asked if they weren't going to tour the US. He said that with the new single coming up and Wonderland next year it is pretty impossible to fit it all in their schedule but it is something he is hoping they will be able to do in the near future. Too bad, it would be a lot easier (e.g. cheaper) to me to go to the US instead see their concert. Oh well...

As I must have mentioned before, Masa actually moved to the US to live in an apartment of his own in New Jersey. It must be good to take a break after all the work with the tour - what an amazing tour it was! :shock: - plus the new single.

I still regret things are so crazy I can't translate the blog properly. But if something important comes up and/or whenever I find some free time, I will posting here.

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Post by nogizaka » Tue Nov 14, 2006 10:05 am

My wife says translating Masa is not easy- his writing style is sloppy (and Miwa's is not much better)- so your efforts are greatly appreciated!

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Post by nakoruru » Tue Nov 14, 2006 9:37 pm

nogizaka wrote:My wife says translating Masa is not easy- his writing style is sloppy (and Miwa's is not much better)- so your efforts are greatly appreciated!
Now THAT explains it. When I first started I thought I sucked badly at reading japanese. One good thing is happening, I'm reading Akachan to Boku manga again and I'm understanding it easily. It's so good to see some improvement... and thanks for the positive feedback!

Heads up! Screen shots for Moshimo Yuki Nara PV:


I can't hardly wait!!! :D

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Post by nakoruru » Mon Nov 20, 2006 12:35 am

Well, as soon as I read yesterday that Masa was back to Japan I realized the promoting of the new single is going to start. They really work their heads off.

Very interesting entry today. Actually Masa did a lecture in a school! In a sunday?! Wow, I'm envious of those kids. :lol: The topic was "Music and speech (kotoba) as a fine way to express oneself". It was a bit of a rant post, I guess, since he was saying he wasn't sure he should be there as he is not in charge of compositions.

The kids sang a chorus version of Haratara ii ne that aparently they practice it everyday. Masa goes "excuse me but I didn't do the lyrics nor composed this song..." so the a PTA person goes "But didn't you make the *wonderful* arrangements of this song?" :lol:

It still amuses me how Masa manages not to be serious all the time. Even when he is talking about serious stuff. Anyhow, this lecture was seen by kids from the 1st to 6th grades and their parents. Again, I'm so envious of all these lucky people!

Hands down I have one thing to say: it would solve my problems and Masa's if he got to compose the soundtrack for the new Sonic game. :P

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Post by nakoruru » Fri Dec 01, 2006 9:46 pm

If you guys have watched the performance of Moshimo Yuki Nara on Music Station, it is clear how nerves Miwa was thru the whole show. So I will translate a few things from the blog:

Masa was saying a couple of days ago on the blog they were both so nervous about this performance but that people told him "how come you still get nerves after 17 years on DCT?". He said that experience doesn't help at all in that nerve wrecking moment the performance starts, after that it is better.

Now here is a translation word by word of tonight's entry (my comments are placed like this on the text):
Music Station is a live TV show. It's now or never. If you fail, there is nothing you can do. Therefore, rehearsals must be done over and over again.

(I'm rather embarassed it's been almost 10 years I watch performances from the show and I didn't know that! :shock: )

Each artist does a sound check, corrections, sound rehearsal, corrections, camera rehearsal, corrections, another camera rehearsal, corrections. In between these things a business meating. On this point Miwa is already nerves which is always a big problem.
Finally after final a run-thru on everything on location, 1 hour prior to the show, a final check is made and more corrections.

To all that to happen at 8 PM, the TV staff starts working at 7 AM to get everything done in time for the show to air.

(I'm tired so I will skip a few bits)

Compared to the hosts of the show, Dorikamu no "Naka" and "Yoshi" (I still find it rather amusing that japanese people speak in the 3rd person) are rather miserable professionals.

On the run-thru I messed up playing the bass so in the actual performance I was looking at Miwa singing in a distance, with my fingers trembling, mental strain reached a maximum.
^ I totally relate to the mental strain. Translating two foreign languages requires SO much brain power, like nothing I have ever done before. But it is a dream come true (no pun intended) to be able to do that. :D

Well, after 7 (!) months of reading the blog everyday I'm proud to say it is 10 times easier to understand it now than on day 1. Ganbarimasu! ^_^

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Post by nakoruru » Sun Jan 07, 2007 2:13 am

It's been too long, over a month! :? But I wanted to let you guys know that Masa has been working on the arrangements of a new song. I feel kinda bad they never take some time off... it is kinda scary. I'm starting to think it is going to be a good year DCT wise with Wonderland and possibly a new single too? :D

It's funny that sometimes it is easier to understand the blog by reading the backtracks. I was listening to Dorira and I could swear I heard Masa saying he was going to get married. I just assumed that I misunderstood it or something until I read in a backtrack some users talking about it.

I hope to have more free time to comment again soon.

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