Wonderland's dreams

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Wonderland's dreams

Post by nakoruru » Mon Mar 26, 2007 9:43 pm

I meant to do this before but I will take the time to translate the requests from DWL2007.com - not only I like to translate but I could use the training to improve my skills.

Miwa's dream: I want to meet Ronaldinho! ^^ (Brazilian soccer player - WOW! I didn't know she likes soccer! ^^)

Masa's dream: For once, I want to forget about being an arranger, producer, musical director, bassist and enjoy this Wonderland. As a bassist.

^ If someone could check this one for me, I'd appreciate. I got a little confused with the use of "として".

I will skip the tricky ones to translate later (hopefully)

389 - I want to ride on the back of Miwa's bike (I liked this one! ^^)

381 - I want to do a duet with Masa (me too! :lol:)

380 - I want to be a senior high school student again
379 - I want to do a fashion show for Miwa's brand

377 - I want to do a musical for Miwa
276 - I want to play musical chairs with Dreams Come True :shock: :lol:

373 - I want to become part of the merchandise staff
372 - I want a "video letter" from Miwa and Masa
371 - I want to travel with Dreams Come True

369 - I want to dance the flamenco with Miwa

367 - I want to give love advice to Dreams Come True

365 - I want the part with "you" from "Ureshi! Tanoshi! Dai Suki!" to be replaced with my boyfriend's name

362 - I want to sing in a choir with Miwa

359 - I want to march thru the city with DCT

352 - I want to be DCT's manager for a day

350 - I want Miwa to play the bass, Masa to sing in make a "reverse" Dreams Come True (I thought of that myself!)
349 - I want to do a memory contest with DCT

342 - I want to go to the concert with the same shirt as everyone else

338 - I want to record a duet CD with DCT
337 - I want to give make up and hair advice to Miwa ^^

333 - I want to have a stare contest with Miwa :lol:
332 - I want to have an omiai (arranged marriage) interview with Masa (Back off! He's mine! :lol:)

^ There is some pretty funny stuff there.
Last edited by nakoruru on Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:27 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Wonderland's dreams

Post by nakoruru » Tue Mar 27, 2007 2:28 am

... double post, sorry. :roll:
Last edited by nakoruru on Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Jei » Wed Mar 28, 2007 12:04 am

Heh...I like 350....
The return of Andre Nakamura (funk style ^^)

And c'mon nako...after Ola Vitoria, was there any doubt? ;)
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