MTV Super Dry Live

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MTV Super Dry Live

Post by zberry » Tue May 31, 2005 1:21 pm

I'm back from Japan and ready to report on the MTV Super Dry Live event held at Yoyogi on May 28.
There were about six or seven bands on the bill. DCT was the fourth to appear. Miwa was dressed in pink satin pants and vest, white tube shirt, pink fedora.
They played:
Kessin no Kinyobi
Ola Vitoria
Nando Demo
Miwa was busting some serious dance moves during several songs during the set, showing some of the hip hoppers who appeared before and after what it's all about.
After that short set, there was a sort of "wedding ceremony." Yousuke and Yoko, two DCT fans, were brought onstage. The emcee explained how much DCT's music had meant to them, etc. and then solemnly asked if they promised to love one another forever. Miwa held a small pillow with the wedding ring. Yousuke fumbled with the ring, and Miwa sort of guided him through it when he looked confused for a moment.
Then, Masa got an acoustic guitar and started strumming the melody to Ureshii, Tanoshii, Daisuki. Miwa sang a very tender and beautiful version of the song to the two lovebirds.
There was not a dry eye in the house.
All in all it was a brief set, but the acoustic Ureshii, Tanoshii made it well worth the 3,500 yen I paid for the ticket outside the gate, even though my seat sucked.
The other artists on the bill (Asia Engineer, Soul'd Out, Jamiroqua, etc,) sucked with the exception of Sumurusu, a Japanese power pop band whose CD I am trying to get.
Last edited by zberry on Tue May 31, 2005 6:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Jei » Tue May 31, 2005 2:07 pm

Thanks for the great report!

Did you have any trouble at all with the tickets?
A DCT wedding...very cool. Talk about a seriously memorable experience. ^^ I wonder how that was arranged (tho the Power Plant maybe ^^)

Was the full band up there or was it stripped down?

Sanks again :)
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Post by zberry » Tue May 31, 2005 6:48 pm

The tickets were very easy to get. I went to Yoyogi about 3:30, 4 p.m. and lots of people were lined up already. I asked a couple of guys to show me a real ticket, and then went back to the scalpers to buy one. Several scalpers were working the area in front of the building. After a short negotiation, we agreed on the price. The tickets had a five digit number (not a seat number). People were grouped in line according to the number on their ticket. Mine was 22601, so I lined up near a sign for 22000 to 22300. When our turn came, they led us down to a set of tables where we exchanged the tickets for our actual seat tickets. There was no way to know ahead of time what seat you would get.
As I said, my seat totally sucked, but the view was unobstructed. It was just from the rear and to the side. The crowd definitely was responding to the music.
The full Diamond 15 band seemed to be there, including Koh, Rin, two-person horn section, a couple guitar players.
Miwa was very moved by the marriage ceremony (not sure if it was legally official or just symbolic) and was crying a lot and giving big hugs and kisses to her two special "babies".
Hearing the acoustic version of Ureshii, Tanoshii, Daisuki in that setting gave the song a new meaning, IMO, and shows what a great song it is. Great songs can be played in a variety of styles and moods and still sound great.
BTW, if anyone is looking to do Tokyo on the cheap, I found a place across from Nakano Sakanoue station (five minutes from Shinjuku) that offers nice-sized rooms for 4,000 yen per night. You share a shower and bathroom, but the rooms were very clean, if extremely old. Something to keep in mind next DCT tour!

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Post by tachikaze » Tue Jun 06, 2006 2:31 am

I'm pretty sure it's not official unless/until you file with the ward office.

Nakano-sakaue... I lived in nearby Iogi and then Takadanobaba 1993-1995... ~memories~. There used to be a Spaghetti Factory out that way that I would frequent.

Must... resist... moving... back...

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