English Title / Lyrical translations

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English Title / Lyrical translations

Post by Yukifox » Tue May 13, 2008 1:49 pm

I was just wondering what some of the songtitles were in English the other day (being a comic artist, music generally gives me a few ideas, but it's a bit harder to get anything other than imagery from a song if I don't know what it's about! X3)

So, what exactly are some of the songs about and how do they translate?

I guess we can start from the most recent album and go back or however you guys want to do it.

^ ^; Thanks in advance!

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Post by nogizaka » Tue May 13, 2008 7:11 pm

If you haven't done so already, you should start with the 'lyrics' section on this site- you will find several songs translated into English. Then, go through the forums (especially ones dealing with certain songs) and you will find some translations there as well- 'Nando demo' comes to mind immediately. Also, check the forums about specific albums- translated song titles may be there.

If you want specific songs, some of us here may be able to help. Translate DCT's entire catalog? Sounds like a swell idea- anyone have a few (dozen? hundred? thousand?) hours to spare?

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Post by Yukifox » Tue May 13, 2008 11:55 pm

Well, once I get done actually tabling the entire catalog, that might be an interesting idea. Once I go through and actually table up the discography, I'll go around and try to collect lyrics and see what comes up. ^_^

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